Here are some customer reviews from different platforms.
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Book One (Giant Wolves of the West)
From dated 18/11/2022 w33bo said with 5/5 stars
"I read this book in a day and a half. I just couldn't stop reading it. I was extremely surprised by the quality especially from a debut author. Brilliantly written, the story, the different races, the level of detail. Every character is different and interesting. If you're a fan of dark fantasy, or fantasy in general, this is a brilliant read. I highly recommend giving it a try. 5 stars from me."
Book Two (Cat Kingdoms of the South)
From Goodreads dated 06/10/2023 Paul said with 5/5 stars
"I'm so glad I found this series I really enjoyed reading the 2nd installment there were times when the twists took me by surprise, at first it was a little confusing as the majority of the story is written at the same point in time as the first book but started where the last book left off but then after a few chapters it made sense, i can't wait to read the next one when it comes out thanks to NetGalley and blaidd gwyn for letting me read this series."